RGB stands for "Red Green Blue." It is an additive color model where red, green, and blue light are combined in various ways to produce a wide spectrum of colors.
RGB technology can be complex. To better understand it, here are some key points. RGB technology behaves differently on black backgrounds compared to non-black ones. For instance, on a visual screen like a TV or computer monitor, which typically has a black background, achieving a maroon color involves dimming the red by half. The black background combines with the red to create the maroon shade.
Different shades of colors can be achieved using either a white or black background. However, RM Trimlight systems and all pixel-type systems lack a black background to mix with colors, which can affect the accuracy of some colors compared to what you see on a computer screen or television.
Below is a list of RGB color codes to help you find specific colors. Note that some colors require a black background to achieve the desired effect, while others can be perfectly adjusted without it.
To achieve the color black with RGB technology, you simply turn off the lights completely. However, since Trimlight bulbs are white/clear, it's impossible to display black as a color option.
RM Trimlight does not guarantee that all colors listed can be produced by the Trimlight system, but the following list may help you find some colors that are difficult to achieve otherwise.
All color code charts are courtesy of
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